Notice the Small Every Day

Small ladybug on a stem

It seems like we are meant to notice the large, the big, the humongous each and every day, Whether this be a story in the news or some extraordinary act of generosity — it always seems to focus on “big” things — literally and figuratively. It would seem in this case as in many others, “the bigger the better.” Noticing the small seems counter-intuitive.

This is why I am so inspired to stop and notice the small in the everyday. Sometimes it is in the smallest acts, things, people, and places that the greatest impact can be felt. There is truly something extraordinary watching a little ladybug crawl along a leaf. That bright red, polka dot body has purpose as it does its thing.

How about the little caterpillar that spins its small cocoon to take safe refuge as the body undergoes the transformation into the butterfly. Or the little hummingbird who waits patiently for you to fill your feeder so he can drink the nectar that he desperately needs to make his day sweet?

These are small natural wonders. There are also small acts of kindness taking place. Someone stops you and says, “Did you drop these keys?” Relief washes over you as you would have never gotten into your car to make that appointment if someone hadn’t noticed and given them to you. Small act, huge impact.

These small things are, in fact, small, but they do allow for great satisfaction when we notice them. The whole trick is to actually turn off the huge headlines and acts and tune into the small. It almost feels like a miracle to be able to do so.

I challenge you to become mindful today and notice something small. Something that no news headline will ever be written about, that makes no noise, that makes no drama just unfolds in its small way.

Small can mean significant. Notice the small. How does it feel?

How to Show Love Now and Always

Presence is Key!

What’s the key to love?

Haven’t poets and authors and actors waxed and waned over the years as to how to show the person you love that you indeed love her?

There is always a laundry list of “ways to show love” and “things you can do to show love.” Ah, these lists are full of small and large gestures, words to use, and presents to give the other. So many good ideas, but I am also amazed at how often it is all about the doing and very little around being.

Being together and being present to the other seems to me to be the number one way to show your partner how much you love her. That’s right — no big money, no big outside gesture, no prescribed words – just you being with your partner. Completely.

This is so difficult to do that most of us are running to those lists for the big outer thing we can do to show it — anything to avoid actually being completely attuned to another.

And, yet, isn’t that what many of us yearn for on a day-to-day basis. Someone greeting us when we come home at night and listening deeply and intently to our words and responding in kind in ways that make us feel heard, understood, and cherished.

Or when we wake up in the morning. Someone asking us how we slept, did we dream, how are you feeling as the day begins?

Or midday, your partner calls you in the middle of it all and says, “How’s it going? and then waits to hear all about it. Then, lends a reassuring statement like, “Can’t wait to hear more tonight.”

Can you imagine having your partner’s presence throughout your day such as this? Talk about showing love and the other receiving and feeling it. Even better if both partners can strive for this type of presence with one another.

The number one way to show your love is being present to the other with all of your being.

Try it – it’s so significant and transformative.