Dear Therapist: Virtual Happy Hour Etiquette

Virtual Happy Hour

Dear Therapist:

Well, I’m at home most days all day long and the only way I connect with others is through technology. Most people are using Zoom, which I appreciate as I can see tons of my colleagues and friends all at one time. However, during casual Zoom gatherings, everyone is talking at one time or people take turns talking and all eyes are on that person. I know it’s a virtual Happy Hour, but it feels weird. Any advice on how to make casual Zoom gatherings easier for everyone to participate and feel heard?

Sincerely, Zooming Away

Sounds like you are a whole lot like me these days where most of our social connection outside of our immediate family is via technology. Any chance I get, I appreciate hopping on to a Zoom meeting for work or for fun to connect with others today. Recently, I too have noticed that work meetings seem to run smoother than casual meet ups on Zoom.

I think this is because when we are meeting for work or a class, the host has several rules set up that everyone must follow. The host asks the participants to “mute” themselves to clear out background noise, as well as use the “raise hand” feature when you have something to say so that people can take turns participating.

However, when you are thinking about a casual Zoom happy hour or other type of meetup, the last thing you want to do is employ rules. Yet, we may need to in order to connect in the best way possible. Sticking with the “mute” button is a good thing to use whether business or personal – the background noise cut out really helps.

Regarding people talking over one another is difficult, but perhaps you should ease up. Think about meeting up people at a crowded bar. It is loud, people are all talking at once, and it is difficult to keep up. However, I think this is something we are all missing right now, i.e. a crowd of people chatting together. Only thing is given the medium, people want to hear what people are saying. In the bar, what often happens is small groups of conversation begin to form and while everyone is together different conversations are happening at the same time. This is almost impossible on a Zoom meeting.

Which then leads to the awkwardness you are experiencing. One person is speaking, everyone listens and is focused on that one person, and then everyone chimes in one at a time about what the person has said. It definitely puts that person in the “hot seat” of attention and also nothing else can be spoken about because the attention is going to only one person. And then how to move on, especially if the person has shared something really difficult?

Ah! What to do? I don’t think there is much that can be done. This medium is odd for casual gatherings. Accepting this and moving into what it does offer, i.e. a big group of people we can see at once in a time when we hardly see anyone may be worth the difficulty of easy flow connection.

Be forgiving, find energy from the field of people who have come together, and don’t take any of it too seriously. The point is to connect. Let the rest go!

Missing Milestones

Students may be missing milestones like dancing at Prom

It seems that this is going to be a year when high school and college students are going to be missing milestones in their lives. As an adult looking back, proms, senior year antics, and graduation ceremonies feel like distant memories that I do not attach much importance to. However, if I were to be a high school or college senior at this moment in time I would feel a whole lot of negative emotions thinking I was about to be robbed of all of the celebrations I have worked so hard for the past few years.

When I think back on that time in my life, around April through mid-June life revolves around so many fun activities that mark the end of a long journey even as we start to look forward to the next stage of our lives. During this pandemic, people are being forced to stay home and away from friends, any activities that have to do with groups of people are forbidden, and schools look to be out until September. I hear that most will have their degrees mailed to them. Goodbye and Good Luck without any pomp or circumstance.

This is tough!

If you are living with a high school senior or have a college senior back at home this spring, it is important for you to help them navigate this time that surely feels disappointing. As they are missing milestones, how can you help them navigate this disappointing time and mark it uniquely within your family? These are the questions of the moment.

First, allow your child to vent, be angry, express disappointment and anger at the entire situation. Invite these feelings and be present to them. What your young adult is feeling is real and being able to make space and validate these feelings is important. If you are having a difficult time empathizing, remember back to how you felt during these important moments. It may feel long ago and not so important, but at the time it was everything. Recalling your own experience at that time, may help you hold space for your children to vent without feeling the need to shut them down.

Second, don’t jump the gun and think all is lost. Perhaps all will be cancelled, perhaps it will all be postponed — most of us don’t know exactly what is going to happen. It is difficult to live with uncertainty and not be able to make any definitive plans for these celebrations. Rather, one has to just take it day-by-day and be in the moment. So difficult at this time.

Third, if the special events are called off, finding creative ways to celebrate may be called for not only by you, but the entire school community. Perhaps a virtual prom is held as well as a virtual graduation ceremony. I am not sure if these types of events are in the works, but perhaps you could call the school/ PTA or whomever to inquire as to how this end of school could be marked in community with one another without being physically close to one another. If nothing is going to take place via the school, perhaps your own community of friends and families can get together virtually and mark the occasion together. One thing, it will be unforgettable.

Finally, make sure that you, as a family, mark the occasion of graduation. Perhaps you delay the party until it is safe or simply have a family celebration with cake and well wishes and creative gifts. Perhaps you create a video to mark the day. Technology can very much be our friend during such a time. Make sure to make time and make it a big deal for your graduate!

All is not lost during this time that may bring your senior to missing milestones in their school career. However, by allowing space for them to share their feelings, looking into what can be done at a school/community level, and marking it personally will help make the occasions special this season. Hold on to what is important and make sure to not forget even as society battles this pandemic.

Social Distancing

Woman chats with someone via technology for social distance connection

According to ThoughtCo, Social Distance refers to “a measure of social separation between groups caused by perceived or real differences between groups of people as defined by well-known social categories.” This sounds very academic and, if you were to go on to read the rest of the article you would read about the different types of social distancing – mainly phenomena around separation of groups of people based on race, class, and more.

What? Social Distance actually has a theoretical frame and it doesn’t seem to be anything to do with our current pandemic where the idea of “social distancing” is being used to keep individuals apart to control spread of a virus in our communities. For this meaning, we have periodicals like the Atlantic Monthly giving you the “dos and don’ts” of social contact during this strange time.

I hear some people are taking it seriously and not leaving their homes and then others who are going out for some things, but have cut other things out (if it hasn’t already been out out for you, like school and work), and then others who are going about their life as normally as possible. Where I live in Seattle, WA, the guideline is to socially distant, but there has been no legal enforcement. Instead, people are given agency over their decision to distance from their friends and community.

It’s at times like these that we realize how much we need people or, at least, being out and about within our communities. I hear this is an introvert’s dream, but even introverts get out to do errands, work, drop their kids at school or go to school, work out, and more. To take away social interaction with others exerts a pressure for us to be alone for the good of the other. A bit of an oxymoron, right?

Some of the ramifications I see from this social distancing recommendation are the following:

  • Loneliness
  • Loss of connection
  • Stress on close relationships
  • Boredom
  • Lack of productivity
  • Inertia

One of the best ways to combat any and all of these feelings is to use technology to remain connected to our friends and family. We don’t normally think in this way to see our local friends, but it can really help stave off loneliness and isolation, to FaceTime our friends in lieu of meeting up for coffee, dinner, or drinks. You just have to think of it as a viable option and reach out and set a date. I have tried it a few times during the past few days, and it truly brightened my spirits and helped me to feel less isolated. Ah! My friends are out there experiencing all that I am. Sharing this with the other is critical.

So, what to do? Think about your friends, family, and others in your community. Now, reach out and ask if they would like to set a FaceTime date with you? Put it on your calendar, as you would any other event, and show up. Spend the time on-line connecting. Afterwards, check in with yourself and see how you feel. My guess is a lot less isolated and lonely. For me, a real sense of being in it together was felt in both my mind and body.

Even during these days of social distance, we can stay connected given the tech times we are living in – make sure to connect and encourage your partner, kids, and anyone else you know to do that same.