Dear Therapist,
It’s that time of year! What do you think about New Year Resolutions? Should I make some or let it go for 2020?
Ah! Yes, a new year is about to dawn as is a whole new decade.
That means the pressure is on to resolve something for all of these new days to come. However, there is much evidence year in and year out that three weeks into the new year, the resolutions have been broken and we’re up to our old ways again.
Oh well, we gave it the good college try! But it does beg the question, should we even bother? Isn’t this just something else artificial that we lay upon ourselves to feel bad about in the not too distant future?
Through that lens, I would say let it go. Do not officially make any New Year resolutions.
At the same time, if there is something you want to resolve to do, be, take action on, etc. do it now whenever “now” arises. Do not put off change to some designated day in a given year.
Start now and make the commitment to yourself for you not because it is some season to do so. I think then and there we have a better chance of reaching our goals.
Whether or not to mark January 1 with a resolution, well that is entirely up to you. Only thing, if you do and you don’t stick to it, let it go and don’t worry about it. The effort is what counts.
Start the new year resolving to go gentle with yourself!