What can get all of us through a particularly stressful time? Listening to favorite music seems to be a way to not only relax, but also take our minds to other times and places that are pleasurable. I am amazed when a song comes on that was popular back when I was 14 and I can remember a specific memory from that time as though it was a moment ago, Music transports us, uplifts us, and can cause a happy affect.
Now, how to use music during a time like this? I tried something this past week that really not only got me thinking about my favorite songs, but how to spoof them to fit the times. I made a series of very brief video clips with me singing a refrain from the song that I changed to meet these pandemic times.
One of the songs I sang to was the catchy tune,”Can’t Touch This.” I danced like a crazy bird and just snag the refrain a few times and then said, “Pandemic, Can’t touch me!” Completely silly and fun. Putting it up on social media took some guts, but I figured others could use some hilarity to their days.
I decided to record a few more. First, I had to think of some favorite tunes that matched the times and have the chance to change a word or two, record it, and post it. My mind really got excited to take on this little project for a few days in a row. It lead me to have a burst of creativity to be sure.
Like,”I’m not leaving on a jet plane, Don’t know when I will go again, Oh, Babe, I wish I could go.”
Ha! The proper translation of this song during these times. I think it would be so fun for people to come up with their song lines that match these times, sing it, record, and post. All of us not only would give ourselves a good laugh, but a burst of creativity too.
Give it a try and “Don’t hand me no lines, and keep your hands to yourself!” (Another creative song adaptation for good measure!)