I was just at the grocery store and noticed there are no more plums and peaches available, but rather so many varieties of applies. Definitely! Autumn is here. There is something about apples that take me back to my childhood days when I used to climb the apple orchard trees and pick my one apples. Such a fun excursion! I am curious if you have any fond memories of apple season?
Crunchy, tart, sweet, pies, tarts, hard, red, yellow, cores — some of the first words that come to my mine when I think of apple season.
And now my mind turns to how apples offer us an opportunity to relish the new season. There are so many things you can do with an apple — even putting them into a bowl on the counter to look at or even draw appeals.
Even as a mediation, keep your apples in mind this season:
Sketch an apple
Bake your apples — and what else to make with apples
Cut the apple peel in one long ring — I encourage you to at least try
Core an apple
Pick apples
Go apple picking
Host an apple tasting — can you taste the difference. Even better, blindfold yourself and try to guess the variety
What more can you do with your apples? You tell me. The most important thing is to be mindful that we are in apple season. Relish it!
This is Autumn!