Creativity Burst: Compliments

Yes you are all of those things and more. Let me be the first person to shower you with compliments today. It’s good for me and my spirit to do so — I definitely feel a burst of creativity when I see someone in his best light and share that thought with him.

For me, as people walk by me on any given day, I notice them. Do you? I see some amazing color they are wearing or their sweet dog they are walking or how good their hair looks and on and on. Even though these people are complete strangers to me, I share my thought with them, giving them a compliment.

I figure no matter what is going on in their day, hearing someone appreciate some part of them can only do good by that person and really all of humanity. How could one compliment get so big? Well, when that person feels good, he may pull his head up and notice someone else, extend a complement and the chain continues on. All of a sudden, you have a bunch of people – random strangers – connected to one another by appreciation and goodness.

And it does lead to creativity. Perhaps it is difficult to find something good about others who you see walking by. Perhaps there is a critical voice inside that thinks everyone walking by looks like an idiot, as an example. Well, then, noticing that this is how you view the other is a great moment to get creative and find something you like. That’s right, find something. Perhaps it’s too much to tell the other person, but finding something good creatively in the other person is a start.

For those of us whom it comes naturally to give away compliments, take that energy and give some compliments to yourself. Another problem we sometimes have is noticing the good in everyone else and actively calling it out to others, but then denying ourselves those kind thoughts from ourselves to ourselves. It is a wonderfully creative idea to think about what you are wearing or how you are feeling and give yourself the compliment. This may also not be easy, but it’s another way to cultivate creativity within.

Now, who will I compliment next?

Creativity Burst: Laughter

I Love to Laugh!

A few years ago I was walking through my local park and I noticed a small group gathered in a circle. The people were all standing close to one another and they were — of all things – laughing. All sorts of laughter was happening actually. I didn’t want to stop and stare at this circle of laughter, but, as I kept walking, I would hear their roars of laughter and I — all of a sudden – felt clear headed with a spring in my step.

How can it be? Well, come to find out there is a whole science around Laughter Yoga. As you can tell, if you happened to follow that link, laughter can be pretty prescribed. Who is there? How far do people stand apart from one another? What types of laughter? How to open and close the session of laughter? I suppose it is like any yoga practice — even laughter takes discipline.

How about laughter for laughter’s sake? Plain old simple laughing aloud when the spirit moves you.

Now this can’t always be possible, but it is amazing how often laughing can be employed with it adding something positive to the interaction rather than taking away from it. One of the most common engagements like this would be an argument. Imagine! You are right there in the heat of the argument and the other party laughs. Now, one can think to himself, “Is this person mocking me or not taking me seriously?” and the laughing gets a bad rap. How about the other person simply wanted to break the tension?

Laughter, whether experienced on one’s own, in community, or only with one other, changes the dynamic of how we feel and how we are interacting. It is a reminder to not take anything that seriously, as well as a way to connect to many who may be vastly different from you.

Have you ever laughed and someone replied, “What? Do you think that’s funny?” And the person is fuming mad. What to do? Perhaps laugh some more.

Laughter is a way to creatively let off steam, break up a harsh argument, join someone in their feelings, or simply look at the sunny side of life. Full bodied laughter often involves movement, which then spurs creativity. We find ourselves laughing with others or on our own.

Feeling sluggish? Laugh! Go to your favorite funny YouTube video, play it, and laugh. Join in a laughing yoga session if you can. Beak up seriousness with a laugh. Find creative ways to interject laughter into your daily life and watch your creativity unfold.

Creativity Burst: Baking a Pie

When all else fails, bake a pie!

Creativity can found in so many places, particularly the kitchen. Perhaps you are not one to enjoy cooking or baking – if that is you then this post is probably not for you. However, if there is an inkling within that is drawn to making something homemade in the kitchen, it truly is a place and space to let your creativity burst forth.

And why pie?

In my humble pie opinion, it’s one of those baked goodies that can be as easy or as challenging as you want to make it and/or need it to be. No matter what level you take it to though, baking a pie can create a space for creativity like none other.

You have the choice of type of pie and can change it up as you see fit and are drawn to do. You can choose ready-made pie crust and focus on the filling or you can perfect your pie dough technique – what would be most challenging of all for me! There is also the ritual of using your hands and mind to create something special and delicious for you and your loved ones.

Even better, once the pie is in the oven and the scent comes piping out of the oven — oh! Is there anything better? The scent alone can bring forth a burst of your creative self at play.

Along with the creativity, baking a pie can also lead to a felt sense of being grounded in a tactile activity that uses our hands and our hearts and minds. United in the act of creating a pie, it is an activity that holds one in the moment. So, not only is it an activity to turn toward for a creativity burst, but also to find grounding in one’s self.

There is always pie! Which type is your favorite?