Continuing my mid-summer break, here is an interesting photo that I took in Spain last year. I was walking along — she was strolling as any good local would do. Only thing — she had a baguette in her hand.
I usually think of carrying a baguette home wrapped in long paper — not her! She strolled along, baguette in hand.
I see a person like this and immediately begin to build a story in my mind about her and her baguette. Was she headed home to make a tasty lunch for herself and/or her family? Was she taking the bare baguette to a sick friend to cheer her? Was she about to hit someone over the head with it?
My mind went wild with my various stories but around this woman — this complete stranger — and her baguette. A creative little game I sometimes play when I want my mind to wander to someone and a story outside of myself. How could I resist with a picture like this?
What are you seeing today that you could build a creative little story around?