A stack of books. It’s a simple enough idea.
When we were kids, back in the olden days before computers, textbooks would often be stacked on our desks reminding us of the homework we have to complete. For some reason, as we become adults, there are often books around.
Books that then become stacks of books. The stacks then are put on to shelves and then there can be so many books that people have rooms lined with shelves holding all the books — a personal library of sorts.
I have had shelves and I have had stacks of books and I actually prefer the latter. Why? Well, when I feel that I have shelves of books my thought is I have way too many and they should be donated. So, I go through and cull my books — no more need for shelves.
But my stacks of books — now that I cannot give up. First off my stacks of books are not regular reading books of fiction and non-fiction, but rather oversized books about art, geography, interests, and other varied topics. These large, hard bound books have beautiful covers in all sorts of colors. Now, I can use my stacks for home decor purposes.
A stack of books neatly arranged and placed together on a tabletop feels satisfying to me. It is organized, interesting, and the books often remind me of something important in my life — an art exhibit I took in and really enjoyed or a topic of interest that I want to know more about. It’s satisfying.
Of course, people come in and look at my stacks of books. It’s home decor, but it’s also interesting, full of topics waiting to be explored amongst one another. Definitely can be a conversation starter. They can be grouped by similar topics or in an eclectic way that includes a variety of topics. However you arrange your stacks, make it interesting.
I also stack my collection of children’s books. Oh such whimsy in that stack. I still love to collect children’s books and to read them through again and again. So much wisdom in there. So, stacks can be bright and fanciful and appeal to the children who visit your home.
Stacks of books are organizing, a home decor tool, and inspiration for topics of conversation — also if you have stacks and not shelves you probably have just enough. Although it is always difficult to part with books it is an easy thing to donate and pass on to others without crowding your home — unless shelves of books is your vibe!
Here’s to a stack of books!